We are grateful for the generous support of all of our sponsors. Contact us today to invest in your community through music... and promote your business!
Supporting the Timmins Symphony Orchestra & Chorus is supporting a community of volunteer musicians who live and work here in your community. We are Timmins’ own symphony orchestra and we have been playing together for the Joy and Love of Music for over 40 years, entertaining audiences through a range of affordable musical experiences, from classical to contemporary concerts, in accessible and welcoming environments.
2024 - 2025 Corporate Sponsors

Timmins – Porcupine
Don's Pizzeria

Become a Supporter
Supporting the Timmins Symphony Orchestra & Chorus is supporting a group of volunteer musicians who live and work here in our community. We are Timmins’ own symphony orchestra and we have been playing together for the ‘Joy and Love of Music’ for over 40 years, entertaining audiences through a range of affordable musical experiences, from classical to contemporary concerts, in accessible and welcoming environments.
Thank you for making TSO the organization it is today. Please donate generously to help your orchestra continue to share the joy of music in our community.
Help us be an ‘Orchestra for the Future’
Donor Rights
In order to commit to a high standard of customer service and provide an additional foundation for ethical behaviour and integrity, the Timmins Symphony Orchestra & Geoffrey James Lee School of Music is committed to providing you the following donors’ ethical code:
- Donors’ information will be protected and held in confidentiality according to provincial and federal legislation and it will not be shared, sold, or rented without a donor’s permission.
- Donors may have access to Timmins Symphony Orchestra & Geoffrey James Lee School of Music’s financial statements and Annual Report, and names of the Board of Directors.
- Each donor will be treated with respect and receive customer service in a professional manner. Each inquire will receive a response within 48 hours, with the exception of general closing, holidays and weekends.
- Each donor has the right know Timmins Symphony Orchestra & Geoffrey James Lee School of Music’s charity registration number as assigned by the CRA.
- Each donor has the right to ask questions when making a donation and to receive prompt, truthful and forthright answers.
- Each donor has the right to receive information and understand how their donation will be used.
- Each donor will receive a tax receipt and recognition for a donation over $25.00.
- Each donor has the right to limit or stop frequencies of solicitations and limit or stop types of solicitation (electronic, printed mail, etc).
- Each donor has the right to remain anonymous and have their request honoured.
Timmins Symphony Orchestra & Geoffrey James Lee School of Music employees and Board of Directors will act responsibly, with integrity and in accordance with all applicable provincial and federal laws.