Timmins Symphony Chorus Members
2023 – 2024


The Timmins Symphony Chorus was formed in 2004 by former Music Director Matthew Jones. Over the years, the Chorus has performed such ambitious works as Beethoven’s 9th Symphony, Mozart’s Requiem, Fauré’s Requiem, Brahms’ Requiem, Gilbert & Sullivan’s Pirates of Penzance, selections from Carmina Burana and Handel’s Messiah.

The Chorus typically participates in two Main Series concerts with the Orchestra, one Chamber Series concert and the TSO’s annual Music Marathon year-end fundraiser. Chorus rehearsals are Tuesday evenings at St. Matthew’s Cathedral. Auditions are not required.
Please contact the symphony office if you are interested in singing with the Chorus 705-267-1006

Rehearsal Accompanist: Chris Rodgers