Music School Letter for Parents 2020-2021

Dear TSO Music School students and parent/guardians, 

First of all, I hope that you have had an enjoyable summer, and that you and your family are staying safe  and healthy.  

Due to the uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, I wanted to reach out to you to in order to  communicate our plan to resume music lessons in the coming year. We are doing everything we can to  provide quality musical education for our students while keeping everyone as safe as possible. 

The Porcupine Health Unit has given us permission to resume in-person, same-room lessons for all  instruments, with the exception of Wind, Brass, and Voice, who must use our Contactless Studio (see  information below). We have created a list of safety measures (based on Ontario Stage 3 re-opening  procedure) which must be observed by anyone who visits our office. These are outlined in the form  COVID-19 Protocols for In-person Lessons, which is part of the registration package. Please read this  document carefully, sign, and return to either myself or your individual teacher.  

The first term of Music School lessons will begin on Tuesday, September 8.  

Students will be able to choose one of the following lesson formats: 

In-person Available for all students except for wind, brass, and voice 

Online Available for all students 

Contactless* Available for all students (priority given to wind, brass, and voice) 

*The TSO (aided by a generous donation from Bercell Integrated Technologies) is in the process of setting  up a Contactless Studio. This will involve two separate rooms at the School, both with microphones, HD  cameras, speakers, and TV monitors. All connections will be hard-wired, providing both teacher and  student with quality audio and video feedback, while eliminating (or at least minimizing) lag-time—in  short, providing a contactless lesson experience that is superior to online instruction. 

Online lessons can also be arranged at any time during the semester, depending on the needs of the  student or teacher. For example, if a student (or someone in their household) is feeling unwell or has  potentially been exposed to someone with COVID-19, they will not be able to enter our offices. However,  they will still be able to participate in online lessons until they are finished self-isolating.  

Socially-distanced ensembles will be available, and will take place at St. Matthew’s Anglican Cathedral.  Contact our office or your instructor for further information. 

We are looking forward to re-opening our school, and we are deeply committed to the health and safety  of everyone involved with lessons. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to  contact our office at any time at 705-267-1006 or  

Best wishes, 

Dr. Joshua Wood 

Music Director, Timmins Symphony Orchestra